How to Get Rid of Gnats in House & Garden?

How to Get rid of Gnats
How to Get rid of Gnats

Gnat is a general name for any small, winged insect. House gnats frequently found are the fruit fly and the fungus gnat.They tend to reproduce very rapidly, and this makes it difficult for homeowners to eliminate a gnat infestation.

Now and then, almost once every year, they invade my house; it is very much so because of having an overripe banana at the bottom of a fruit bowl, not quite cleaning out the garbage disposal, or having borne home a new plant that had them hidden away in the soil. Then I will have to spend the next several weeks trying to drive them out of my home from all the little crevices and corners.

Would you like to actually know what it is? Where do gnats actually come from? What do you know about how to get rid of gnats in house so you won’t have them buzzing around in your house again?

What Are Gnats?

Gnats are defined as little winged insects that either bite or not. You can be reassured that most indoor gnats are not of a biting nature, nor do they transmit any disease. They are an inconvenience, of course, and they should be dealt with before there is an infestation. The first intervention in dealing with the gnats is identifying the type of gnat in your space.

Three mostly common types of gnats are:

  • Fungus gnats: Flying close to overwatered houseplants and wet soil. When you lightly shake it, then they will scatter from the plant.
  • Drain Flies:  Flies in certain humid places, like pipes in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry rooms, and basement.These little brown insects are more common during summer but can also be spotted during the cold months.
  • Fruit Flies: Gather in humid areas such as pipes in the bathroom, laundry room, kitchen, and basement.

By decomposing in moist organic substances, areas usually become breeding grounds for the gnats, for you to trace the source of the infestation. As such, let’s locate the source, as these bothersome creatures converge around it, which is very helpful in narrowing down their type. Here are some things to nibble on gnats and hold them at bay for good.

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How to Get Rid of Gnats in House?

how to get rid of gnats in house

However, using different methods. you can get rid of gnats in house. The even better news is that it is inexpensive, uncomplicated, and really useful. Here are a few homemade solutions to try.

1. Vinegar and Sugar Traps for Fruit Flies

To the bowl, place a little bit of vinegar with 1 teaspoon of plain sugar the gnats will be attracted to; to make it really lethal, however, you want them to stay in the bowl long enough to die. Either wrap the top of the bowl with plastic by poking small holes in it or add a couple drops of dish soap to the vinegar/sugar mixture.

2. Use Bad Produce

Make use of bad fruit for your fruit fly trap. Take an old piece of fruit, such as a rotting banana or an old apple, put them in a bowl, and cover the whole thing with plastic wrap, poking some tiny holes through the wrap to allow access to the gnats but not their exit. They will eventually die in your homemade trap. This is a good way to remind people in your house to eat fruits before they start going bad.

3. Fight Drain Flies with Bleach

Mix half a cup into one gallon of water, and pour that diluted mix down the drain in slow motions to kill any potential gnats and larvae. Commercial drain cleaning measures also work very well. Make sure to aerate the room well after using bleach.

4. How to Get Rid of Gnats with Candles

Pan you have to take, throw water in it and then just a little bit of detergent. Place a candlestick containing a long tapered candle in the center of the pan. Light up the candle and remember to darken the rest of the room. Sit back. In the meantime, you will notice that the gnat is attracted to the flame and eventually is either incinerated or drowns in the soapy liquid below.

5. Accumulate Sticky Traps

If nothing works out for you or even creating a homemade trap doesn’t interest you, get a commercial fly trap such as flypaper, cards, or ribbons, and place them near the gathering spots of gnats. There are even special designs that can sit alongside potting soil beside a potted plant, waiting for fungus gnats to pass by. Once the sticky side is well filled up, toss it and replace it with a new one. You could probably go for a bug zapper that is intended to catch smaller species or call in reliable pest control if the problem persists.

Traps are not a permanent solution for gnat infestations.These methods might reduce pest populations temporarily; however, these do not provide permanent solutions. For example, traps catch only adult gnats, thereby restricting the effectiveness, as soon there will be another generation to reinfest the area.

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Store-bought sticky traps can be harmful to pets if they chew or consume them, so carefully read the packaging and keep an eye on your pets when they’re using them.

How to Get Rid of Gnats in Garden

how to get rid of gnats in garden
how to get rid of gnats in garden

Gnats can truly be a nuisance when trying to spend quality moments outside with loved ones or doing work in your garden. To help keep the gnats in garden, here are tips that you can use.

1. Yellow Light Bulbs Switch Off

Gnats and other insects flitting about in the night are attracted to bright lights, so replace the outdoor bulbs with yellow bug light bulbs. Insects can’t see very well at all lengths of the spectra but have more difficulty in the warmer tones. Swapping out regular lights for yellow will make it less likely that insects will swarm outside your space.

2. Clear and Move Water Sources

Because gnats are extremely attracted to stagnant water bodies, keep all accessible outside standing water, such as birdbaths or fountains, as far from your house as possible. Keep those water sources as clean and free of debris as possible to prevent gnats from becoming too comfortable.

3. Repair Leaky Pipes

Repair all the leaking water or sewage pipes outside your house. Damp areas attract gnats, so the more repairs and maintenance you have on drains and sewerage pipes, the less these pests will want to camp near your home. The same goes for any leaky water spigots and hoses.

4. Mosquito Dunks Usage

Drop a mosquito dunk into a bucket of water and leave it there until it fully dissolves. When the dunk is completely dissolved, pour the water into your garden’s soil. When this dunk is fully dissolved, a toxic bacterium to flying insects will be released.

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Are Gnats harmful to Humans?

Male gnats normally feed on nectar from plants; however, female biting gnats will feed on blood to use it in producing eggs that will undergo proper development. Unlike bedbug or mosquito bites, gnat bites actually differ because of the specially designed cutting teeth that are being used to puncture a host’s skin.A gnat bites into a human host, injecting an anticoagulant agent into the wound. This allows the gnat to continue feeding on the person until the wound closes. It is more painful compared to the bites other common pests leave.

Gnat bites usually occur in places where the skin is exposed and uncovered. Gnat bites are normally itchy, red, and sometimes swell. Some gnat bites have been known to become infected, precisely with diseases that affect livestock, but commonly lead to the opening of sores by scratching that may result in a bacterial infection and other health conditions. Anti-itch cream should be used to prevent it from infecting, keeping an eye on the worsening symptoms.

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1. For how long do gnats exist?
Adult gnats live for a period of approximately one week.1
2. Why are there so many gnats in my house?
The dry, warm, and moist places, including puddles, spills, and leaks, attract gnats. They are also attracted to fruits and vegetables left uncovered, flowers, and houseplants.
3. How can you get rid of gnats quickly? 
The fastest and most effective solution for getting rid of the gnats is cleaning your house and getting rid of trash and unsealed food. Clean counters and drains, and avoid keeping standing water in the sink.


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